That's one way to look at if for sure! Yes, we have been though some bad times, but we have made it this far! We can make it the rest of the way with the help of God Almighty!
What have we learned and what else will we discover in the coming months? We have been amazed with acts of generosity and kindness we've witnessed in recent months. A beautiful example is the story of an older lady we know. She is 86 years old and pretty "sassy" for her age.
There is a particular restaurant where she likes to eat. While dining there recently, she discovered that the restaurant was going to have to close its doors after many years of service to the community due to COVID-19. They were unable to pay the rent for the establishment.
The older lady asked the owner how much the rent was. He replied, “$1,500 a month”. This lovely woman promptly wrote out a check for the rent payment. The owner was shocked and astounded and promised to pay her back when things were better. She replied, “It is a gift, I do not want or expect to be repaid.” The man burst into tears and gave her a wonderful hug, COVID-19 and all!
We have known this Good Samaritan for some time and we can tell you this is just who she is at her core. We can use this ‘bump in the road’, to be more like her and many other good folks. Just take a look around and see who might need a little help!